Saturday, March 12, 2005

Learning to Blog...

It is Saturday night and I'm home alone with a cup of tea and JO playing in the background. I know some would be really bored, but I've actually been looking forward to this for quite a while. It has been a very busy last two months and I’ve wanted to just spend a night at home doing nothing. For the last 3 weeks, I’ve been focusing on preparing for our dental board exams, which is our Canadian licensing exam, and we’re expected to know material from the last four years. The exam finally occurred on March 5th and 6th at school, which meant that by Friday March 10th, our class would have been at the faculty for 12 full days straight. It was driving us nuts! It was the thought of a relaxing weekend that carried me through. Friday morning I stepped into clinic with the biggest smile ever, it was Friday and I would finally have Amy time, to relax, to do things I enjoy and reflect.

Despite the academic workload, I can say that this study period has been one of the most enjoyable yet. (I know nerd =p) Most of the material was review and actually concepts that are needed in the clinic. Working through it was like putting together a puzzle and when things finally fit together it was like aha. I think the nature of the material also allowed me to study in a slightly different environment. Ever since undergraduate I have been a big fan of the monastery silent library, however this time Jenny and Trish introduced me to the world of studying at the coffeeshop. Right after school we would lug our books and find a corner of starbucks at Indigo, buy a Venti tea and focus on the needed material. At the end of the night, Andrew, Jenny and I would usually have a totally random, but interesting conversation. So in addition to piecing together my clinic information I have also had random puzzle piece thoughts floating around in my head. Those that known me know that I digest by talking to people, learning to from others. It has been very insightful indeed hence I’ve also added links to blogs that I regularly and am inspired by.

Many of my classmates however will be moving out of Toronto, so I hope this blog will be one way they can keep up with the randomness that goes through my head and life. Pictures I think also speak a thousand words so going to try to update my album regularly.

Encountered some computer problems so think going to end here.